Peter Lucas
Ex Foundation Student 1959
Peter Lucas-Ex 1959 Foundation Student of Colenso High School
Peter started at Colenso in 1959 as a 3rd former (Year 9) and finished his time in the 6th Form (Year 12). His main subjects he studied while at school were English, Math, Physics and Chemistry.
Peter believed that the teachers that contributed to shaping him as a person were Mrs Hilda Timms, Mr Mike Rout & Mr Duncan Lindsay. Overall, he considers Colenso was very supportive of student’s and maintained a culture that was unpretentious.
Throughout Peter’s life, he has been determined to have and maintain a happy family life and achieve in areas of his interest and continue to improve his capabilities. He respects others and has a strong work ethic.
After leaving Colenso, Peter completed a B.E (civil degree). Then he realised he was more interested in broader strategic issues so completed a M.Com (Econs). His study took him to Cambridge University for 2 years after which he took up a job offer in Treasury in Wellington. After 5 years in Treasury and the Ministry of Energy Resources working on policy analysis and implementation the Ministry was reorganized. This reorgansiation, a desire to live closer to parents and better weather in Hawkes Bay encouraged a move to Watties.
Peter spent 5 years at Wattie Industries as Manager of Operations Research Marketing Research & Human Resource Management.
5 years MD of Wattie Frozen Foods, 3 years MD of Wattie Foods, 5 years as MD od Tegel, 1 year as MD Heinz NZ, and 3 years as CEO Heinz Australasia.
When Peter was in Treasury and the Ministry of Energy Resources, he contributed to the renegotiation of major energy contracts such as Maui Gas & Comalco and in developing policies to address challenges to NZ EG-global oil crisis & nuclear power.
During his career with Watties and Heinz, he was pleased of his contribution to the ongoing success of those major food businesses while happily married and remaining committed to his values in the face of extreme pressure to rapidly improve financial performance.
On his retirement in 2005, Peter retained directorships in Fisher and Paykel Appliances and a startup company for several years.
He now lives on an Auckland beach and loves his time with his wife, extended family and friends, physical activities and travel.
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