Enrolment Information
Te whakaurunga
Student Enrolments
Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment time: (06) 831 0180.
WCC School Information
Information about William Colenso College for parents / caregivers and students.
Year 9 Scholarship Application
The Year 9 scholarships are now closed for 2024, they will re-open again for applications Sept/Oct 2025.
School Fees
Every person who is not an international student is entitled to free enrolment and free education at William Colenso College however a number of fees are charged for special activities (e.g camps and Sports). Click on the download to see the full costs.
Uniform Information
From 2025 William Colenso College is changing into a new uniform, supplied by NZ Uniforms based in Hastings, 819 Heretaunga Street West, St Leonards, Hastings. It will be available for purchase from Monday 6th January 2025.
There will be a uniform pop up shop in the School Hall, Monday 20th January, 2025: 2pm--6pm. Please click on the link for further information, please read carefully as there is a changeover period for current students, you don't need to move into the new uniform straight away.